Ep. 79 Diffusion PR - Why it's time to stop projecting perfect parenthood.

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This week's episode is brought to you in partnership with PR agency, Diffusion

Together, we commissioned a research study of 1000 mums up and down the country to answer two questions - what are the pressures facing modern mums and does social media help or hinder?

In this episode, with Zoe and Natasha Cobain, Director at Diffusion and mum of 2, we explore the fascinating results of the survey - and what we can all be doing to shed the pressure of modern motherhood.


Episode kindly supported by Family Album https://family-album.com/



Ep. 80 Maisie Hill - Period Power.


Ep. 78 Jennifer Petriglieri - Is it possible for dual-career couples to thrive in love AND work?'