Ep 133 - How to protect your energy with Jane Tavakalian

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Jane Tavakalian, also known as Jane Lightworker, is a mum of three, an intuitive business and life coach and the creator of the #1 course for empathetic people looking to take their energy and power back.

Energy is finite. We only have so much of it each day, and yet often without knowing it we give that energy far too quickly to other people and things that aren't that important to us. We feel exhausted and depleted, not from lack of sleep, but from allowing ourselves to be drained by what's going on outside of us.

So how do we preserve our energy for things that actually matter to us? How do we claw that precious energy back and become more empowered?

Well, this insightful episode will tell you how.

You will learn:

  • What it means to be an empath

  • How to know if you are one

  • Navigate the energy around you as a parent

  • How to reconnect with yourself

  • How to shift your whole experience of life with a mindset change

  • The Law of Assumption and how to use it to transform your day

You are in charge of your imagination.

- Jane Tavakalian

As always, we continue the conversation over on Instagram, so come and join us there.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

FREEBIES! Find out how you can take control of your life, reconnect to you and more! Download ‘10 Ways to Reconnect to You’ and our weekly and monthly check-in on Motherkind.co.

Are you ready to find freedom from guilt? Let me help you find Freedom from Perfectionism if you are a mother who has ever felt not quite enough.

About Jane Tavakalian

Jane is a life and business strategist for sensitive people. A speaker, healer and life coach.

She helps empaths, lightworkers and sensitive beings stop absorbing stress from others, navigate sensitivity overload, deepen their spiritual connection and start the work and life they love.


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All you need to do is head to Zendium.co.uk and enter the code MOTHERKIND at checkout for 20% off their kids and adult range.

Big gratitude to Zendium for supporting me and the podcast!


Ep 134 - How to become your true self with Emmy Brunner


Ep. 132 - Being born a mother with Latham Thomas