MOMENT | This is the number one sign you're overwhelmed - and what to do next, with Dr. Rick Hanson

Motherkind Moment is your place for calm and connection and a shift in perspective before the week ahead. 

My guest this week is Dr. Rick Hanson. He is one of the world’s leading psychologists and he says it’s imperative we recognise the pressures we are under as mothers so we can support ourselves and ask for the support we need from others. In this episode, Rick shares with us his practical ideas on how you can reduce stress, and make sure we're healthy and happy to take on the marathon of motherhood.

For more powerful insights from Dr. Rick Hanson listen to the full episode here: World-leading psychologist on why motherhood is the challenge of a lifetime

Click Here to order your copy of 'Motherkind: A New Way to thrive in a World of endless expectations’

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